Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Day 9 - Clever Vega Bastards

So it’s the second last day today… and you know what? I think I’m starting to get used to this old qurta. There’s no morning stress deciding which combination of garments would get me more attention. No trifling with which pair of shoes to wear based on expected time out v.s. fashion/comfortability. No pressure to impress when I weigh my appearance against others. No grueling accessory removal procedure at the end of the day. No shiny watch today. And you know what? Under this this thick, black beany lays a bedhead of curly hair that no one will ever see lol. I did, however, GHD the 3cm tail that peeps out the back… ~cough~ Shut up.

I gotta admit… never in a million years did I imagine I’d be this comfortable at this stage of this assignment. It’s pleasantly surprising, and at the same time I feel a little bit silly about myself for all my unnecessary insecurities over the years. I still love dressing up. I love the thrill of being extravagant to express yourself in an era when finding an original, unique identity seems nothing more than a generic attempt to fit in. I think maybe now I just understand why I am the way I am a bit better. Clever Vega bastards.


  1. What an interesting topic and I must say this is a great read, can I just say the older u get and the more u live the more u will learn and understand that its not about fitting in, its all about what ur comfortable with, u grow to become the person u want to be and the people in ur life love u for who u r and the values u carry with u and those that fall away were never really ur friends to begin with, who cares what ur hair looks like or what clothes u wear, do we really live in such a shallow society, unfortunately yes we do, what it comes down to is how much do u care? Faiedah

  2. Very true. It's extremely interesting to do a project like this and investigate ourselves a little. It helps us understand why we see ourselves the way we do and also how others perceive us. Our own body image is a product of a vast history of social pressure and a very complex, ever-changing perceived beauty standard. Who decides what's beautiful these days? Do you REALLY think it's you? Or is the type of beauty you aspire to, only the beauty that the media has convinced you to desire? Hmmm... tricky, huh?

    Thanx for the comment, Faiedah... :)
